Monday, March 11, 2013

Missionary News - Kelly

Oh so that´s where all the rain went. Last week we were swimming to the houses of our investigators (and I mean that almost literally) and this week I´m getting my tan back.

We have so many people that are just on the brink of baptism. We are doing everything we can, but the last step is one we can´t make for them. They have to have a testimony of the things we´re teaching. In Português the word "prestar" means "to lend" and "to borrow". Which can be kind of confusing at times. It also means "to bear" when talking about testimonies. How fitting. When we testify we are loaning our testimonies until they get their own, but really it has an expiration date. They can´t keep it forever, they need their own. Unfortunately we can´t hold their hands and pray for answers for them, and we can´t recieve their answers either. They have to ask and recieve all on their own. Which can be frustrating.

Lots Of Love
Sister Mendenhall

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