Sunday, January 30, 2011

Missionary News from Australia

Well I'm serving with Elder Schwendiman from Idaho Falls, then there's Elder Bonteman from the Kiribati Islands (pronounced Kiribus), and then Elder Tuta'i from New Zealand. Things are going pretty good, we've set two baptismal dates and are doing really well with the others. President Langeland is awesome. He has the best sense of humor but he is also really good at getting us to do the work. There is a part of our area that is on an island (Bribie Island) so we see the ocean about once a week. It's not much really, just a lot water. Australia is basically just a mini America. I don't really have a favorite thing to teach, just a long as I'm teaching. And everybody responds differently to the different lessons but I've usually got the most surprise when we talk about the commandments, Word of Wisdom, tithing, etc. There is still a little bit of cleanup going on but for the most part it is all finished. Although there is supposed to be another cyclone coming and another might hit later in the season.
Love ys lots,

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